Networking with a Purpose

Spectrum Camera Solutions

Hydrogen and Ammonia North America June 25-June 26, 2024

This Event Reminder is Sponsored by:

Blue Ammonia Certified Cameras Explosion Proof

Engineer & Construct the Next Generation of Hydrogen & Ammonia Projects
Innovative partnership and contracting strategies, superior site and infrastructure assessment, excellence in project design and execution, best in class workforce development

Day 1 – June 25

07:30 – 9:00
Exhibition Opens 
08:50 – 09:00
Chairman Welcome & Opening Remarks 
Karim Jan, ConsultantCerberus Nexus Consulting 
09:00 – 09:30
Supply & Demand Outlook: Zero & Low Emission Hydrogen & its Derivatives

With the market for zero and low emissions Hydrogen and its derivatives critical to the bankability of projects on the Gulf Coast, this session will provide a comprehensive review of: 

  • The demand outlook across existing and emerging transportation, power generation and industrial process markets. Including a review of the latest developments and trends in offtake agreements.

  • The global supply outlook charting project developments in the EU, Asia and the Middle East

  • The impact of supply incentivisation and demand stimulus in the US, EU and Asia, including IRA, CBAM, RFNBO and prominent offtake country hydrogen pathways.

Hector Arreola, Principal Analyst – Hydrogen & Emerging Technologies, Wood Mackenzie 

09:30 – 10:30
An Industry Leaders Perspective: The State of Play for Zero & Low Emissions Projects Engineering & Construction on the Gulf Coast
  • With a significant wave of Hydrogen, Ammonia and associated derivative projects announced on the Gulf Coast over the last 24 months, this session will bring together senior leaders of those projects in the more advanced stages of development. 

  • Join us as they share their take on current project landscape and touching upon key topics including: expected project progress, contracting/partnership strategies, required infrastructure capacity upgrades and workforce development opportunities. 

Ankit Patel, VP – Project Execution, Air Liquide

George Whittaker, General Manager, Energy Transition, Bechtel

Michael Van Swol, Senior Executive Capital Projects, Fluor

Osagie Ihonde, Project Director – EPC, KBR

Michael Kotara, President, Zachry Sustainable Solutions, Zachry Group 

Moderator: Geoff Tuff, US Hydrogen Lead, Deloitte

10:30 – 11:20
Coffee Break & Refreshments 
11:20 – 11:40
Fireside Interview 
  • Join us for an in-depth conversation with NovoHydrogen as they share insights on their project development journey, including; stakeholder engagement & alignment, the importance of partnerships, meeting workforce and permitting requirements and contracting strategies for the next wave of project development. 

Kyle Hayes, Partner, Foley & Lardner LLP 
Kate Hopkins, Chief Development Officer, NovoHydrogen

11:40 – 12:30
The Permitting Landscape for New and Existing Infrastructure Requirements
  • Understanding the ability to build new or leverage existing infrastructure for production, storage, distribution, and export of Hydrogen and its derivatives is a critical component to reaching a Final Investment Decision (FID). 

  • However, low emission projects on the Gulf Coast continue to face regulatory and policy uncertainties at the federal, state, and local levels. With new infrastructure and modifications to existing capacity such as pipelines and terminals requiring new or revised permits from multiple federal and state agencies.

  • To help you successfully navigate this landscape we will bring together key agencies and experts to discuss the latest relevant developments and explore how early and regular engagement with relevant stakeholders can enable a smooth and timely permitting process.

Ali Amirali, SVP, Starwood Energy Group
Bryan Lethcoe, Director, Southwest Region, Office of Pipeline Safety, PHMSA

Ibrahim Muritala, Global Hydrogen Leader,  American Bureau of Shipping

Catarina Gonzales, Commissioner, TCEQ

Moderator: Ron Epperson, Managing Director, Intellectual Energy 

12:30 – 14:00
Lunch & Networking 
14:00 – 14:45
How to Identify, Assess and Secure Project Locations in a Timely and Cost-Effective Manner
  • As competition surges for suitable project locations on the Gulf Coast, it is vital that developers are able to complete their due diligence efficiently and avoid missing out on a prime site due to a failure to move quickly. 

  • This need for expediency comes at a time when requirements for sites have never been so comprehensive. Locations must meet the practical infrastructure needs, be of benefit to the local community and enable the facility to meet rigorous offtaker production requirements. 

  • With so much at stake learn how a collaborative approach to site identification, assessment and bankability can enable project developers to secure the best possible site in a timely and cost-effective manner. 

Lee Raymond, Head of Global Project Development, First Ammonia

Taylor Gravois, Principal, CSRS

Gordon Baier, CEO, Go Solar  

Moderator: Susan Shifflett, Executive Director, Texas Hydrogen Alliance 

14:45 – 15:45
Technology and Supply Chain Update 
  • The rapid scaling and advancement of key technology and processes including: Electrolysers, Autothermal Reforming (ATR) and Carbon Capture & Storage (CCS) is paramount to enabling the construction of bankable zero and low emission facilities on the Gulf Coast.

  • This session will feature a comprehensive update from key OEMs, licensors and industry pioneers who are at the forefront of new and emerging technologies and processes that will ultimately enable the industry to reach cost parity with existing grey production. 

  • In addition to a review of the latest innovation within the space, we will explore the latest advancements and strategies for developing lean, cost efficient and resilient equipment and technology supply chains.

Amanda De Jager, Process Engineer, Topsoe

Salah Mahdy, Global Director – Hydrogen, Chart Industries 

Nick Turner, Clean Energy Market Manager, Sundyne 

Moderator: Tyler Huckaby, Principal Consultant – Global Hydrogen Consulting, Wood Mackenzie

15:45 – 16:10
Afternoon Coffee Break  
16:10 – 16:50
How to Effectively Assess and Select the Most Suitable Technology Solution for your Project
  • With a wide variety of existing and emerging technologies enabling the creation of various zero & low emission alternative fuels, project developers are faced with a fundamental choice of which path to choose. 

  • In a low margin environment and with implications for CapEx, OpEx and potential offtake deals, it is essential to make the most appropriate choice for the duration of the facility life. 

  • To help you navigate this complex technology environment, this session will showcase best practice of how to compare and contrast potential solutions and determine the most suitable choice.

Pradeep Venkataraman, Sr Technology Director, AES 

Azer Mashhood, Project / Study Manager – Americas, Fortescue Future Industries 

Saeed Mehmood, Consultant, Spectrum Consultants

Moderator: Ron Epperson, Managing Director, Intellectual Energy 

16:50 – 17:10
The Art of Managing People: Lessons from the Field 
  • At the heart of every successful project is a highly motivated and well managed workforce.

  • Discover tried and tested workforce development strategies honed over a highly accomplished career spanning 50+ years.

  • Learn how to leverage key management approaches, including; Nurturing through recognition, active listening, the importance of timely and effective follow ups and empowering your workforce.

Rocky Plemons, Vice President – Construction, Fluor

17:10 – 17:15
Chairman Closing Remarks 

Karim Jan, ConsultantCerberus Nexus Consulting 

17:15 – 19:30
Networking Drinks (Exhibition Hall) 

Day 2 – June 26

07:30 – 9:00
Exhibition Opens 
08:55 – 09:00
Chairman Welcome & Opening Remarks 
Karim Jan, ConsultantCerberus Nexus Consulting 
09:00 – 09:50
An Industry Leaders Perspective: The Road to FID
  • Buoyed by supply stimulus within the US and demand incentives in Europe and Asia, momentum for clean hydrogen and its derivative products has accelerated rapidly. The green shoots of a Hydrogen economy has driven a wave of zero & low emission projects announcements in the US and across the globe.

  • Despite an ever growing pipeline of project announcements, only a fraction of clean hydrogen investments, around 7%, have passed final investment decisions (FID).

  • Join us as those at the forefront of this new wave of development share their reflections on the key challenges to reaching an FID, including: infrastructure, supply chains, permitting, risk mitigation, bankability and workforce availability.

Dustin Bruce, CCUS & Low Carbon Solutions, Kiewit 
Michael Templin, Senior Director – CCUS, Worley 
Katherine Zimmerman, Decarbonization Director, Wood 
Jonathan Wiens, CEO, Warwick Carbon Solutions
Moderator: Charles McConnell, Executive Director, Carbon Management & Energy Sustainability, University of Houston

09:50 – 10:30
Creating a World Leading Zero and Low Emission Project Environment on the Gulf Coast
  • For the Gulf Coast to meet its unmatched potential to become the world’s leading Hydrogen and derivatives project hub, it is vital that stakeholders from across the ecosystem work together on shared challenges and goals.

  • The creation of common interest alliances enables the development of industry wide standards and codes that will streamline costs, reduce complexity, maximize safety and allow industry partners to work with regulators in a more efficient and effective way on necessary development.

  • Join key representatives from the collection of pioneering organizations who are taking tangible steps to foster a fertile environment for the next wave of project development on the Gulf Coast.

Brett Perlman, CEO, Center for Houston’s Future

Chad Burke, President & CEO, Economic Alliance Houston Port Region

Lacy McManus, Executive Director of Future Energy, Greater New Orlean’s Inc.

Moderator: Priya Ravindranath, Senior Manager – Chemical Marketing, Air Liquide

10:30 – 11:00
Coffee & Refreshments 
11:00 – 11:50
Designing a Bankable Facility 
  • Driven by a favourable incentive environment plus growing domestic and global demand, there has been a glut of zero and low emission Hydrogen and derivative project announcements on the Gulf Coast. However, ahead of making a FID, project developers and their partners must meet the not insignificant challenge of designing a bankable facility. 

  • Nascent technology, inflationary pressures, a patchwork of local and global regulations and incentives, varied customer requirements and competition for labor and materials are increasing complexity in an already low margin environment. 

  • To overcome this complex environment, join us as we explore the rigorous approach required when it comes to: technology selection, regulatory compliance, risk management, infrastructure planning and resource assessment.   

Rochman Goswami, VP & MD, Black & Veatch
Daniel Dus, CEO – Americas, ACME Group
Dariel Adato, Sr. Preconstruction Manager – Green Fuels, Pattern Energy Group

Laura Merten, Policy Manager, Apex Clean Energy 

Stuart Page, Senior Consultant, DOE Loan Programs Office 

Moderator: Bridget van Dorsten, Senior Research Analyst – Hydrogen & Derivatives, Wood Mackenzie

11:50 – 12:30
The Importance of Partnerships in Building a New Facility
  • Successfully pioneering new and innovative technologies, designs and ways of working can rarely be achieved in isolation. The building of zero and low emission projects on the Gulf Coast is no exception.

  • This new wave of project development has been accompanied by a collective recognition that all major stakeholders need to objectively assess their existing capabilities to establish where they must engage partners who are better equipped to lead or share insight on their area of expertise.

  • This session will bring together key players across the project development ecosystem to discuss the benefits of early and comprehensive partnering to ensure project success. 

Erika Taugher Rietze, Director – Green Fuels, Pattern Energy Group 

Kevin Boudreaux, Head of Power Supply, Monarch Energy  

Ben Leonard, Hydrogen Commercial Manager, Chevron New Energies  

Vishal Shah, Founder & CEO, Avina Clean Hydrogen 

Moderator: Rich Hamilton, CEO, Newpoint Trillium Management

12:30 – 13:45
Lunch & Networking 
12:40 – 13:30
What Makes a Good LPO Application 
  • The Department of Energy’s (DOE) Loan Programs Office (LPO) provides access to debt capital for high-impact energy and manufacturing projects. Over more than a decade, LPO has developed a strong understanding of what makes a project more likely to advance through LPO’s processes, as well as the areas that commonly slow down or stop projects in the process. This workshop will focus on how to make a high-quality application to the LPO.

    Stuart Page, Senior Consultant, DOE Loan Programs Office 

13:45 – 14:30
Infrastructure Updates – Meeting the Anticipated Demand
  • With a wave of project announcements currently pencilled to come online between 2025 – 30, the ability of existing and planned pipeline, electricity and transport infrastructure to meet demand remains unclear. 

  • Whilst there is a recognition across the ecosystem that a collective effort will be required to meet the new capacity demands, questions remain regarding how this will be funded, the timelines for completion and who will ultimately be accountable. 

  • This session will unite key stakeholders to discuss infrastructure progress, share examples of best practice when it comes to partnerships/consultation and how the industry can chart a path to meeting 2030 demand. 

Daniel Alaigba, Project Development Manager, Orsted
Matthew LaBorde, Project Development Manager, TES
Etienne Sturm, Director – New Energies America, Vopak
Jeff Pollack, Chief Strategy & Sustainability Officer, Port of Corpus Christi 

Moderator: Karim Jan, Consultant, Cerberus Nexus Consulting 

14:30 – 15:10

Diversity & Inclusion – How do we Make Zero & Low Carbon Projects Accessible
  • The development of a world class low and zero emission project hub on the Gulf Coast presents a vital opportunity to create a more diverse and inclusive workforce in the energy sector.

  • To realise its potential, the industry must break down existing barriers and challenges that prevent women, minorities, veterans, and other underrepresented groups from entering and advancing in the Hydrogen economy. Fostering a culture of diversity and inclusion in their organizations and implementing strategies to attract, retain, and empower a diverse workforce.

  • Hear practical guidance on how the industry can tackle a lack of awareness through outreach, mentorship, and support for these groups in the education and career pathways related to wave of project development.

Paul Doucette, Hydrogen Program Officer, University of Houston 

Michael Webster, Associate Vice Chancellor, Houston Community College

Dorian Cockrell, Global Philanthropy – Vice President, Central Program Officer, JP Morgan Chase  

Moderator: Alex Taimuri, Consultant

15:10 – 15:55
Workforce Development – Upskilling & Enabling the Next Generation of Workers & Skills  
  • The current projected wave of project development on the Gulf Coast brings the benefit of countless new job opportunities for the existing and future engineering workforce.

  • At present there are a lack of qualified workers with the relevant technical and soft skills in the region, especially in the more nascent and emerging zero carbon projects. If the industry matures at the expected rate, a shortage of specialized workers will hinder its progress.

  • Join us as we explore how project developers need to invest in workforce development programs, such as education, training, certification, and apprenticeships, to ensure they have a sufficient and competent labor force.

Jason Stevens, Director H2 Project Development & Execution NA, EDP Renewables
Sonia Clayton, Chairman, Global Energy Transition 

Ivan Damnjanovic, Professor & Director of Engineering Project Management, Texas A&M University 
Moderator: Bryant Black, Director, Regional Workforce Development, Greater Houston Partnership 

15:55 – 16:00

Chairman Closing Remarks 
Karim Jan, ConsultantCerberus Nexus Consulting