Networking with a Purpose

2023 Oil and Gas Industry Events BIC Calendar

Register Now for XPortCon 2023 June 8 – A RBN Energy Crude & Petroleum Export Conference – Houston

This Event Reminder is Sponsored by:

2023 Oil and Gas Industry Events


Event Details: What is xPortCon?

xPortCon 2023 is a one-day event to be held in Houston Texas, that features crude oil and petroleum product presentations, executive panels and RBN market updates. Our goal is to bridge the gap between fundamentals analysis and boots-on-the-ground market intelligence. RBN is bringing together the views of top executives engaged in these export markets – midstreamers, private equity, producers, shipping companies, and other major players – along with RBN’s latest analysis on infrastructure, production and takeaway capacity.


After more than 100 years as a net importer of oil and petroleum products, the U.S. is on the verge of a sea change in the supply/demand dynamics for crude, gasoline, diesel, jet and other petroleum products. The U.S. is about to flip from net importer to net exporter. The market was almost there in the final months of 2022 and will soon cross that all important threshold. In the coming years, U.S. crude production will continue to increase, and essentially all incremental barrels will flow to export markets, either as crude or petroleum products. One way or the other, U.S. oil production will be moving overseas.

2023 Midstream Oil and Gas Industry Events BIC Calendar