Register Now for Renewable Hydrogen Storage and Transport Conference March 11 – March 12 – Los Angeles
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Why you should attend #RHST24
Networking Opportunities: This conference is an excellent platform to connect with professionals, researchers, and experts from various sectors of Renewable Hydrogen. Make the most of our Happy Hour Banquet to meet with your peers and pioneers in the field!
Knowledge and Insight: There will be featured presentations, and panel discussions from leading experts in the industry that will provide valuable insights into the latest research and best practices.
Exposure to New Ideas and Technologies: This conference will showcase cutting-edge technologies and innovations. Attending can expose you to new ideas, products, and services that may have practical applications in research or business ventures.
MARCH 11, 2024 (MONDAY)
7:30AM-6:00PM Badge Pick-Up & On-site Registration
7:30AM-8:30AM Networking & Morning Coffee
8:30AM-8:40AM Welcome Remarks: Surya Prakash, Loker Institute & USC
8:40AM-9:30AM Opening Keynote Address: Surya Prakash, Loker Institute & USC
“E-Methanol: A Versatile High Density Hydrogen Carrier, a Drop-In Fuel, and a Chemical Feedstock”
9:30AM-9:50AM Coffee Break
Session 1: Hydrogen Supply Chains
Plenary Speaker: Pradheep Kileti, National Grid
“Optimal Sizing and Design of a Responsive Hydrogen Storage Systems for Blended Hydrogen in Gas Utility Networks”
Invited Speaker: Shaama Sharada, USC
“The Hydrogen Evolution Activity of BaZrS3, BaTiS3, and BaVS3 Chalcogenide Perovskites”
Invited Speaker: KC Tran, Maat Energy
“Microwave Generation of Hydrogen”
Invited Speaker: Timothy Harris, ENTRUST Solutions Group
“Utility Hydrogen Blending: Ideation, Implementation, and Operational Considerations
11:20AM-12:30PM Lunch
Invited Speaker: Michael Peters, IQ4H2/BrainDrip
“Innovative Hydrogen Storage and Health Monitoring for Energy Storage Applications”
Invited Speaker: Wesley Cate, NGL
Submitted Abstracts:
Hernan Henriquez (BayoTech): “Locally Produced Hydrogen: A Game-Changer for Fleet Operators”
Sunwoo Kim (KAIST): “Techno-Economic Analysis of International Hydrogen Supply Chain Considering Uncertainty of Renewables and Demand Using a Temporal Integrated Decision-Making Approach”
1:50PM-2:10PM Coffee Break
Session 2: High Density Hydrogen Carriers
2:10PM- 2:40PM Plenary Speaker: Michelle Kidder, ORNL
Invited Speaker: Travis J. Williams, USC
“Catalytic Technology to Enable Formic Acid and Alcohol Hydrogen Carriers”
Invited Speaker: Devinder Mahajan, Stony Brook University and GTI
Invited Speaker: Jim Petrecky, GKN Hydrogen
“Safety, Simplicity, Efficiency: Storing H2 as a Solid”
Coffee Break
Invited Speaker: Vijay Srinivasan, Consolidated Edison of New York
“Decarbonization of Consolidated Edison’s District Steam Heating System with E-methanol”
Invited Speaker: Todd Deutsch, NREL
“Techno-economics of Solar Hydrogen Production”
Submitted Abstracts:
Colin Wolden (Colorado School of Mines): “Ammonia As a Vector for Distributed Delivery of UHP Hydrogen and Clean Combustion Mixtures”
Hanna Breunig (Lawrence Berkeley National Lab): “We Need Hydrogen Storage Materials to Bring Dedicated Green Hydrogen into Industry”
Zhenmeng Peng (University of South Carolina) “Enabling Ethylamine As Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carrier for Ambient Hydrogen Storage”
Dinner Banquet and Poster Session
Invited Speaker: Siari Sosa, SoCalGas
MARCH 12, 2024 (TUESDAY)
7:30AM – 12:00PM Badge Pick-Up & On-site Registration
7:30AM – 8:00 AM Networking & Morning Coffee
8:30AM-8:40AM Morning Remarks: Devinder Mahajan, Stony Brook University and GTI
8:40AM-9:30AM Keynote Address: Trent Rogers, EPRI
“E-Fuels as an Approach to Indirect Hydrogen Deployment”
9:30AM-9:50AM Coffee Break
Session 3: Hydrogen End Use Applications
Plenary Speaker: Ignasi Palou-Rivera, RAPID
“Renewable Hydrogen: An Enabler for the Industrial Decarbonization of Chemicals and Fuels Manufacturing”
10:20AM-10:40AM Invited Speaker: Somesh Ganesh, H2scan Corporation
Invited Speaker: Vicente Galvan, Advent Technologies Holdings, Inc.
“Heat Rising: Revolutionizing Markets with HT-PEMFC as a Thermal Management Solution”
Invited Speaker: Billal Zayat, Twelve
“CO2Made Essential Products”
11:20AM – 11:40AM
Coffee Break
Invited Speaker: Fokion Egolfopoulos, USC
“Hydrogen Combustion Engines: Challenges and Opportunities”
Invited Speaker: Thomas I. Valdez, Plug Power
Invited Speaker: Michael Rohan, Northwell Health
“Beyond Compliance, a Balanced, Hybrid Approach to Decarbonization”
12:40PM – 1:20PM
Submitted Abstracts:
May Kwan (Gas Technology Institute): “Enabling Widespread Blending of Hydrogen in Natural Gas Pipelines Utilizing De-Blending Technologies”
Simon Leyland (Siemens): “Digital Technologies for Driving Lower Lcoh through the Integration of Production with End-Use”
1:00PM – 1:30PM Closing Remarks

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