Register Now for the Advanced Bioeconomy Leadership ABLC2023 Conference March 22, 2023 – March 24, 2023 – Washington, DC
The Mayflower Hotel, Autograph Collection
1127 Connecticut Avenue NW,
Washington, , DC 20036
Wednesday March 22nd
(Photo ID and proof of vaccination required)
2.30pm Advanced USDA Agriculture Development & Deployment Programs
Speakers TBA
3.45pm Advanced Agriculture & Feedstocks Workshops: Building Supply Chains
Speakers TBA
5.00pm Advanced Agriculture & Feedstocks Workshops: New Crops & Residues, New Options
Speakers TBA
2.30pm Hot SAF Technologies
Speakers TBA
3:45 pm Transformative SAF Policies & Finance
Speakers TBA
5.00pm Hot SAF Projects and the Customers
Speakers TBA
6:30pm STATE OF THE INDUSTRY presentation
And Networking: Self-introductions by all attendees
Thursday March 23rd
(Photo ID and proof of vaccination required)
7:30-8:00am COFFEE & PASTRIES
8:00am The Bioeconomy Policy Forum
Speakers TBA
9:00am Net Zero Futures
Speakers TBA
10:15am Coffee Break & Industry Networking
Speakers TBA
11:45am The Finance & Investment Summit
Speakers TBA
12:45pm Lunch & Industry Networking
1:45pm TRACK A The Advanced Biofuels Summit
Speakers TBA
1:45pm TRACK B Renewable & Circular Materials Summit
Speakers TBA
1:45pm TRACK C Hot Technologies
Speakers TBA
2:45pm Coffee Break & Industry Networking
3:15pm TRACK A The CO2 Conversion Summit
Speakers TBA
3:15pm TRACK B The Corn-to-Chemicals Summit
Speakers TBA
3:15pm TRACK C Advanced Biofuels Summit
Speakers TBA
4:30pm TRACK A The Catalyst & Catalytic Upgrading Summit
Speakers TBA
4:30pm TRACK B The Sustainable Aviation Fuels Summit presented by CAAFI
Speakers TBA
4:30pm TRACK C The Carbon Capture, Sequestration & Use Summit
Speakers TBA
6:30pm 50 Hottest Companies in the Bioeconomy Announce and The Hot Party
Friday March 24th
(Photo ID and proof of vaccination required)
7:30-8:00am COFFEE & PASTRIES
8:00am Industry Horizons
Speakers TBA
9:00am Sustainable Futures
Speakers TBA
10:15am Coffee Break & Industry Networking sponsored by Airlines 4 America
Speakers TBA
11:25am Sustainable Aviation Fuels Summit
Speakers TBA
12:45pm Lunch & Industry Networking
1:45pm TRACK A The BioProducts Summit
Speakers TBA
1:45pm TRACK B The Hydrogen Summit
Speakers TBA
1:45pm TRACK C The Sustainable Aviation Fuels Summit
Speakers TBA
2:45pm Coffee Break & Industry Networking
3:15pm TRACK A The Algae Summit
Speakers TBA
3:15pm TRACK B Hot Technologies Summit
Speakers TBA
4:15pm ABLC Due Diligence Wolfpack
The Wolfpack:
David Dodds, Dodds & Associates
Michele Rubino, industry consultant
Steve Slome, Director, Nexant ECA
Steve Weiss, President, Grey Heron Consulting
Sam Nejame, Principal, Promotum
Moderator: Jim Lane, The Daily Digest
5:30pm ABLC Closing Remarks
To Register for the Advanced Bioeconomy Leadership “ABLC2023 Conference” please select your type of registration and fill out the information below, then click “Next” to proceed.
FEES ABLC2023 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION ONLY (Note, 2 for 1 rates are available through January 20, 2023. Get two delegate passes for the price of one.)
EARLY-BIRD RATE: $1,595.00 If Registered by c.o.b. January 20, 2023 (Available with Two for One Deal);
ADVANCED RATE: $1,595.00 If Registered after January 20, 2023, but before c.o.b. February 10, 2023 (Single Registrations Only – Not Available with Two for One Deal)
STANDARD RATE $1,995.00 After February 10, 2023 (Single Registrations Only – Not Available with Two for One Deal)
EARLY-BIRD RATE: $1,395.00 If Registered by c.o.b. January 20, 2023 (Available with Two for One Deal)
ADVANCED RATE: $1,395.00 If Registered after c.o.b. January 20, 2023, but before c.o.b. February 10, 2023 (Single Registrations Only – Not Available with Two for One Deal)
STANDARD RATE: $1,695.00 After February 10, 2023 (Single Registrations Only – Not Available with Two for One Deal)
REGISTRATION FEES cover admission to the Advanced Bioeconomy Leadership ABLC 2023 Conference, including all sessions, luncheons, breaks and Awards Reception, and all conference proceedings.
Registering for the 2 for 1 Deals To register using the “2 for 1 Offer”, please select your registration type, fill in your name and email address and click “Next”. Then, fill out your contact information and click “Next” again to save. Then, Click “Add a Person” and select their Registration Type, fill in their email and other contact information and click “Next”. This will bring you to the “Payment Page”, where you will find that the second person is being registered without charge. Simply fill in your credit card information and click “Submit” to finish both your registrations.
EXHIBITOR FEE: For the ABLC2023 Conference is $6,500.00
SPONSOR REGISTRANTS: A specified number of Paid Registrations are included with specific sponsorship packages. Sponsor Registrants must be approved employees of the Sponsoring company, or organization.
NON-PROFIT REGISTRANTS: To qualify as a Non-Profit or Government Registrant, you must be a Full-time Employee of a Registered Non-Profit, University, or Governmental Organisation.
PRESS REGISTRANTS: Accredited reporters from recognized media are welcome to attend ABLC on a complimentary basis. To request a press credential, email Digest editor Jim Lane at jlane@biofuelsdigest.com. In order to qualify to register for the Advanced Bioeconomy Leadership “ABLC2023” Conference as a “Press Registrant”, you have to be a full time employee of an established publication with professional Press Credentials. Stringers, or Contributors, or On-line Bloggers unfortunately, do not qualify as “Press Professionals” for the purposes of registering for these conferences and have to register as a “Commercial Registrant”, or “Non-Profit Registrant”.
Cancellation Policy: Refunds of Registration fees, less a $395 Cancellation Fee are available through December 16, 2022.
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