Register Now for the 2023 OSW Power to X – Offshore Wind Summit Aug 24 – Houston
Offshore wind, as a gigawatt-scale source of renewable power, has the capability of providing energy to offtake beyond traditional grid interconnection. Market demand for green hydrogen production, green ammonia production, and carbon capture and storage is growing quickly as all industry sectors respond to the need for greener fuel sources.
The first event of its kind in North America, the OSW Power-to-X Summit will explore the world of alternative power offtakes for offshore wind projects, including hydrogen and ammonia production, as well as carbon sequestration and other forms of utility-scale power demands. Learn what the implications will be for supply chain companies, policymakers, workforce development, and the entire ecosystem surrounding offshore wind.
Join us in Houston for the inaugural Summit to hear from experts across different industries and explore how these alternative offtake mechanisms will shape the supply chain of the future.
Follow RenewablesCalendar.com for upcoming industry events. Renewables Calendar was created to help synchronize the industry by providing a free lookahead for key industry events across the country. We focus on non-profit support, community, and industry specific trade shows / conferences for Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS), Hydrogen, Combined Energy Generation and Storage, BioFuels, RNG, and other New Energies. We promote conferences for gathering and gas processing, transmission, compression, refining plants, chemical plants, fertilizer plants, terminals, storage facilities, LNG plants, syngas, and bio mass that have a focus on decarbonization and developing these NEW ENERGY solutions. The original energy calendar featuring all streams of energy with renewables. More 2023 Renewable Conferences and Events added every day.
Email Efrain@AllstreamEP.com to get involved.
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