Register Now for the 2022 CO2 Conference Dec 5-8 – Midland
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“This is where the field and office come together to make great projects happen.The 28th Annual CO2 Conference in Midland, Texas has a long history of providing a unique forum designed to capitalize upon the extensive field experience of our many oil and gas industry professionals, whether it is in well drilling and completions or in water or CO2 injection projects. The event provides practical know-how to fit into the worlds of theory, models and response projections. The many well and field case histories address the surface and subsurface challenges, most of which are directly relatable to the coming energy transition world, with low risk and secure CO2 storage. We feel that this conference best provides a platform for relating that experience and a networking opportunity for interaction with the companies and people busy with CO2 projects around the globe. Our audience is loyal and continues to return yearly, since most of the best practices cannot be gleaned from papers and internet sources, but rather exchanged in less formal presentations or on a one-on-one basis. This networking is one of the main reasons the conference has continued now for almost three decades
Midland’s new George and Barbara Bush Convention Center downtown will again provide that physical venue and networking option. We appreciate that our international audience is quite loyal, so we will likely add a virtual option for them. That decision will be coming in the weeks ahead. We are expecting that the fast-growing worldwide interest in CCUS will attract them to our topics, on the agenda, this year.
This past year has seen the U.S. 45Q tax credit expanded and with better oil pricing has led to countless CO2 projects that are in an advanced planning stage. As a consequence, the three day agenda will be addressing the new project drivers and the subject of secure CO2 storage in a larger way. We are an event that realizes our hydrocarbon industry’s need to continue to improve our environmental footprint. At the same time, the rush to inject into deep saline formations and avoiding oil and gas producing areas seems very risky and premature.
The conference is helping with the environmental objectives while producing needed oil by illustrating the value of CO2 EOR by permanently storing CO2 while producing that vital energy source. If it can help companies capture emitted/vented CO2, compress it and pipeline it to the world’s oil and gas fields, we have a unique role in helping the economy while assisting with environmental goals. We are also the experts in relation to the risk profiles of waste CO2 and water injection where little is known about the formations. This has become even more important today as the pressures to reduce CO2 emissions have done nothing but grow since we started our annual EOR Carbon Management Workshop in 2003. Finally, we will choose to pick out one-to-three promising field deployed tools and methods that we can highlight each year to help with the continuing CO2 challenges ahead.
We are well underway with the agenda planning for the Conference week including the interrelated subjects of CO2 EOR, Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage (CCUS), Carbon Management, CO2 reservoir cyclic injection, depressurized oil and gas fields, and residual oil zone (ROZ) exploitation. The hardline between CO2 EOR and CCUS is blurring these days and will be a strong feature of this year’s agenda in our first two days of the Conference.
SPECIFIC 2022 PLANS: The Conference week agenda call for starting on Monday with a field trip. We have two venues in mind but need to finalize the host company and lock in the venue. We would like to start the trip at 11:00 am Monday morning and conclude at 5:00 so we limited our options to nearby fields. Then on Tuesday morning, December 6th we will kick off the formal presentations and continue those thru Thursday afternoon December 8th. The Tuesday again will be updating several ongoing demonstration projects, presenting several future project plans, and addressing the new and ongoing legislative and policy initiatives including the details associated with the amended 45Q tax credit.
On Wednesday, we will continue the agenda by tackling a tricky subject that no one else seems to want to address: what is a good storage site and what are risky ones? You will see that we are pretty far along in that agenda and have some well recognized U.S. and International speakers committed. That evening, we will have our popular conference week reception at the Permian Basin Petroleum Museum in south Midland sponsored by KinderMorgan CO2 along with the Permian Basin Section of SPE.
On Thursday, December 8th, we will be emphasizing the new CO2 EOR progress and the rebound from the COVID and the 2020 crises of low oil prices. The agenda is full and centrally focused around our long-standing emphasis of CO2 EOR case histories (both U.S and worldwide). We will also have a talk or two that will summarize the Tuesday and Wednesday sessions. We have a committed talk which should quickly summarize the horizontal San Andres play and discuss two projects designed to transition horizontal wells into CO2 injection projects. As with most new plays including the so-called shales, the lessons are coming fast. The Conference committee has been keeping an eye out for the San Andres and shale plays possible evolution to CO2 EOR and CCUS. In all of these presentations the speakers are always encouraged to present their newest field-tested ideas and best practices but are also welcomed to discuss the business aspects of flooding during the talks.
The Conference concludes at 5:00 pm on Thursday, Dec 8th. Please look below for details of the day-by-day agenda for the 28th Annual version of our Conference.
Follow RenewablesCalendar.com for upcoming industry events. Renewables Calendar was created to help synchronize the industry by providing a free lookahead for key industry events across the country. We focus on non-profit support, community, and industry specific trade shows / conferences for Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS), Hydrogen, Combined Energy Generation and Storage, BioFuels, RNG, and other New Energies. We promote conferences for gathering and gas processing, transmission, compression, refining plants, chemical plants, fertilizer plants, terminals, storage facilities, LNG plants, syngas, and bio mass that have a focus on decarbonization and developing these NEW ENERGY solutions. The original energy calendar featuring all streams of energy with renewables. More 2023 Renewable Conferences and Events added every day.
Email Efrain@AllstreamEP.com to get involved.
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