Register now for the Offshore Well Intervention 2023 Gulf Of Mexico OWI 2023 GOM November 29-30 – Houston
This Event Reminder is Sponsored by:
Join 250+ senior level decision makers as we discuss how to optimize value from completion to P&A with advanced planning to minimize cost and maximize recovery at every stage of the well lifecycle.
Topics Include:
- Market Overview – Philosophies, Skills Gap & Regulations: Understand current market dynamics including sustaining a balanced well stock portfolio, tackling skill gaps, updated regulations, defined operator philosophies and well op strategies
- Reimagining the Well Lifecycle – What Does End of Life Mean? Determine the best quality reservoirs to workover and re-stimulate by assessing the dollars per barrel VS campaign costs to ensure successful ROI
- Rig & Risers VS Rigless & Riserless- The Current State & The Future: Explore rigless & riserless subsea P&A’s, rigless interventions and riserless coiled tubing to determine the GOM operator’s appetite for these techniques
- Protecting Production – Key Challenges & Solutions: See how operators are implementing new technologies to enhance recovery, including new approaches to scale, enhanced lifting processes and better water and solids management
- Well Decommissioning – Meeting Obligations: Review the updated regulations regarding boomerang wells and the new innovative technologies that will ensure your decommissioning toolbox is up to date to address P&A permanently
In depth case studies, panel discussions and intensive discussions will be hosted by BSEE, BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil, Lapis Energy, LLOG, Murphy Oil, Promethean Energy, Shell & QuarterNorth
We’re hosting more expert speakers, more networking opportunities, more attendees and more technologies than ever before at OWI GOM 2023!
If you are wondering when the 2024 OWI conference will be, then look no further. This year’s Offshore Well Intervention conference will be held at the Doubletree Greenway Plaza on November 20-November 21, 2024. You can register by clicking this link.

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