Register Here for the Kentucky Hydrogen Summit Jan. 25, 2023 – Louisville, KY
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The Kentucky Oil and Gas Association (KOGA) is proud to host its inaugural Kentucky Hydrogen Summit on January 25, 2023 at the Louisville Marriott Downtown Hotel.
“Blue Gas in the Bluegrass” concentrates on the integration of all forms of hydrogen production and applications with an emphasis on blue gas as a low-carbon option to power the needs of tomorrow.
A special thanks to BrainDrip™ who is the presenting sponsor of the conference.
The program for the inaugural Kentucky Hydrogen Summit is shaping up. Session topics to include the following (Subject to change):
Blue Hydrogen Using Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage
Blue Hydrogen Through Pyrolysis
Hydrogen Transportation Panel
New Pipeline Technology for High Pressure Transmission of H2
IRA Incentives for Blue Hydrogen
Hydrogen Costs Vs Other Commodities & Potential Uplift
Blue Hydrogen in Kentucky
Plus more!
What You Need to Know
The Kentucky Hydrogen Summit will be at the Louisville Downtown Marriott on January 25, 2023.
Registration is $400 per person (Space is limited)
Exhibitor pricing is $600 per person and $100 per extra registrant. (Space is limited)
For official government employees, registration is $150.
Sponsorships range from $1000-$5000. Benefits of each sponsor level are included below.
A complimentary networking reception featuring some of Kentucky’s best bourbons to close the conference.
Hotel rooms are $203+tax and the reservation link can be found at the bottom of the page.
What You Need to Know
Click on the Button Below
Follow the prompts. It’s that easy!
Not a KOGA Member? Sign up
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