Networking with a Purpose

Renewables Calendar Industry Events

Register Now for “How CCS and Geothermal Intertwine in the Low Carbon World” by The Society of Low Carbon Technologies November 1, 2023 – Houston

This Event Reminder is Sponsored by:

Join us for the Society for Low Carbon Technologies’ (SFLCT) inaugural panel session that includes Talos Energy, NOV, Criterion Energy Partners, and Repsol. The panelists, composed of industry experts, will delve into the Carbon Capture Storage (CCS) and Geothermal projects and initiatives in which their organizations are actively engaged. Given that CCS and Geothermal have risen to prominence as energy transition technologies for achieving net zero, now is the time to explore the challenges and opportunities of these technologies, and their intersectionality. The panelists, along with the SFLCT’s Chairman, will comprehensively discuss the following:

• How their organizations are approaching CCS and Geothermal projects

• The challenges and opportunities for CCS and Geothermal for this decade

• How these disciplines intertwine for each organization

• How CCS and Geothermal can be co-located to operate in tandem at a single site

• The supply chain required for CCS and Geothermal

• The operational complexities of each discipline, and how they positively intersect

• And more!

***A portion of the proceeds from this event will be donated to redM during this event (redM is a nonprofit with a mission of eradicating human trafficking).***

9:15 AM – 9:45 AM Meet and greet (light bites and refreshments provided)

9:45 AM – 10:45 AM Panel session

10:45 AM – 11:00 AM Q&A portion

11:00 AM – 11:10 AM Closing remarks and providing altruistic check to redM

11:10 AM – 11:45 AM Networking

11:45 AM – 11:45 AM Adjourn