Register NOW for the redM “A Scottish Night To Remember” April 20th – Houston
This Event Reminder is Sponsored by:
redM and Scottish Development International will host an exhibition of Scotland—the people, the place, the culture—and its connection to freedom, and the energy transition. All proceeds from this event will go to RedM, a non-profit organization that is dedicated to creating an equitable society, by combatting human injustices and human trafficking. This event is equally backed by the Scottish Government.
A WORTHY CAUSE: Your investment changes real lives.
A Scottish Night to Remember: join us, as Scottish companies display their cultural goods and technologies. The event will also include exhibitors from other regions of the world, showcasing their technologies.
In addition to a dynamic exhibition, there will also be refreshments to pair with a fantastic dinner. This is complemented by keynote speakers, music and bag pipes, visual performances, and whisky tasting. We anticipate hundreds of attendees, which makes for meaningful networking. Spouses are encouraged to attend. Invite your fellow peers and colleagues.
Registration Costs
$75 per person
$85 per person at the door
Seating is limited, in order to ensure your spot, please purchase prior.
Exhibitor Costs
$450 – Exhibit table with electricity (Option 1)
$400 – Exhibit table (Option 2)
Exhibitor packages include 2 event passes and a LinkedIn post announcing each company’s pledge to participate.
Book your exhibit tables (which are limited) for this impactful event. Companies will have the opportunity to showcase their unique offerings—to a vibrant audience—at the energy capital of the world.
Moreover, participating exhibitors will also be demonstrating their altruistic support to effect change, creating a win/win for everyone involved, as well as society.
Silent Auction
Attendees will have an opportunity to bid on unique items at the Silent Auction. All proceeds benefit redM.
The following Silent Auction items are being accepted: Creative Artwork, Entertainment Packages, Vacation Packages, Historical Items and Antiques, Gift Baskets, Sports Memorabilia, Gift Certificates. Donations are highly appreciated. For more information contact Salma Ghazal (sghazal@bechtel.com)
Follow RenewablesCalendar.com for upcoming industry events. Renewables Calendar was created to help synchronize the industry by providing a free lookahead for key industry events across the country. We focus on non-profit support, community, and industry specific trade shows / conferences for Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS), Hydrogen, Combined Energy Generation and Storage, BioFuels, RNG, and other New Energies. We promote conferences for gathering and gas processing, transmission, compression, refining plants, chemical plants, fertilizer plants, terminals, storage facilities, LNG plants, syngas, and bio mass that have a focus on decarbonization and developing these NEW ENERGY solutions. The original energy calendar featuring all streams of energy with renewables. More 2023 Renewable Conferences and Events added every day.
Email Efrain@AllstreamEP.com to get involved.
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Are you looking to give back supporting a great cause in the industry? Consider redM a non profit that gives back to victims of sex trafficking. A Scottish Night to Remember is an event hosted by redM and will be held on April 18, 2024 at The Canon. This is a way to help give back to the community with industry. Register here.
Register now for A Scottish Night to Remember to benefit redM April 18, 2024 – Houston

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